BILLIEEE swam in Panama's  Caribbean  while being filmed from a helicopter to help out a friend. After 40 minutes she was pulled out of the sea by a marine crew who said; We noticed your not a great swimmer and there're  lot's of sharks in this sea!

First Memories as a Quantum Creator


It's 1970 and I'm one year young, watching the home photographer trying his best to take my first baby picture. 


I can sense every aspect of him and I'm wondering why he is angry, stressed and pretending to be nice. 


He just picked me up again and sat me down on the sofa for the third time. I jumped down and follow him to his camera stand. Back and forth we go. 


I am attuned to my Quantum Creator abilities, feeling, sensing and reading his quantum life field. 


The photo is finally taken.

A Blind woman I Call Nan

From 6 weeks to 8 years of life, BILLIEEE was raised by a complete stranger and very special woman called Annie. She was legally blind.

I called her nan and she became my world.  


Animal Kingdom

BILLIEE can telepathically communicates with humans and animals as a norm.

She thanks her blind grandma's guide dog, Tiddles the cat, two budgerigar's and the gold fish for being open channels of communicators.  


Bullied and beaten 

Bullies taught me what was possible and the parental beatings taught me how not to treat others.


The Accident  

At age 8 I was hit by a car and scarred for life. The event would change my entire future as I was reunited with my biological family. The day I arrived I began counting the days before I could leave. 

My first paying job aged 9

I delivered newspapers at 6 am every morning. I knew that to be free from others and independent I had to earn my own income. 


At 14 I leave home 

Life is going to teach me some painful lessons. Every lesson will be useful in my life and I would not change a single one of them. Life is where I learn the most.  

World travel at 16 

My first travels start at age16 to Spain and then Paris. I will know 47 countries in the next 3.5 decades.



BILLIEEE made a decision in a playground at age 7, not to have children in this life time. She was a nanny to many children from age 11. Her final job as a nanny was at age 23 to two Norwegian girls in Oslo, now grown ladies.



BILLIEEE's future husband & soul mate was in the front row of the audience of her seminar in 2012.

She even gave him a private consultation that same day without knowing they would one day be married 5 years later.


30 - My soul knows there's more.

Fascinated by world views of death and dying I become a voluntary bereavement counsellor in London.

31 - I have big questions about the human potential.

I complete a science degree in Applied Psychology, leading on to a career path in Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy.

33 - I am living a lie! 

I realise that psychotherapy and psychoanalysis do not hold the answers to my questions. I only learn to regurgitate theory and gain no depth of true knowledge.

Truth cannot be found in theory - it is derived from living.

What is the quantum human potential?

To find the answer I had to stop living a lie, hiding who I truly was and what I knew deep inside of me.

My mind and ego ran my life.

I often wondered if I had a heart at all as I could not feel it.

Get Me Out of Here! 

BILLIEEE was once afraid of the unseen and the spirit world. She once fled her home afraid to go back when she realized she was not the only one living there!

That night she realised that it was another part of her journey and went back home the next day.  



BILLIEEE's fear of the spirit world was transformed into a quantum understanding and acceptance. 

Today one of BILLIEEE's many systems includes Quantum Life Reading Training Q.L.R.T.

She is on a mission to end the fear around our human abilities and to educate people on the various quantum realities that we live day by day. 

The Temples & Sacred Site

BILLIEEE felt drawn to visit every temple and sacred site in South and Central America alone!

Today she knows why.

Medicine Plants 

From 40 to 41, BILLIEEE was initiated into the world of sacred plant medicine by a dear friend and Shaman with Peruvian lineage.

This journey had a heart opening impact.

Her mind was terrified to take on this experience and would try to talk her out of it for 10 hours!!!!

Today she shares her experiences in her programs, training and mentoring.

 Fear Holds Us Back  

BILLIEEE swan in Panama's shark happy Caribbean sea. She is not a strong swimmer. She was pulled out of the water by a marine crew after 40 minutes!

 A Scuba Diver  

Scuba diving was first explored at age 18 in Jamaica.

Determined to overcome her fear of the sea, BILLIEEE obtained her diving licence in Central America Honduras and has been diving around the world.

A 5000 Year Old Science

In 2006, BILLIEEE became a Yoga Siromani Teacher, trained by the swami's at The International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre.

Between 2006 to 2015 she gave free teachings in English & Spanish to ex pats and local communities.

Reason for training to utilise the power of advanced pranayama!

4 close deaths  

I became a bereavement counsellor at age 30. Almost dying four times I can tell you there is nothing to fear.

It's an incredibly beautiful and peaceful experience WHEN YOU JUST LET GO!

Maybe that's why I'm still here.

"I grew up hearing a lot of prejudice against people 

This made me curious to explore the truth".

So I have lived in 15 countries (this means living like a local and emerging myself in the culture for a minimum of 3 months); including, A Brazilian favela, New York, North Africa, Spain, Malaysia, Seychelles, Germany, Norway and Argentina.


Humans have the greatest potential regardless of differences.

Journeys are many but the best journey ever will be to you.